© CC-BY-NC-ND | Gerasimos Kolaitis

In 84 Tagen


Auf einen Blick

Stoner / Heavy Rock aus Griechenland.

Godsleep is a heavy pop / genre fluid rock band from Athens, Greece, known for their unique blend of heavy guitar riffs, atmospheric synths, and introspective lyrics. Formed in 2010, the band has quickly carved a name for itself in the underground rock scene with their hard-hitting sound and dynamic live performances. Their music blends the heavy soundscapes of metal with intricate melodies, creating a sonic experience that is as thought-provoking as it is powerful. With a growing fan base and a reputation for their mesmerizing live shows, Godsleep is poised to make a lasting impact on the rock and metal scenes.

Band Member:
Amie Makris - Lead Vocals, Guitar
Johnny Tsoumas - Guitar
Fedonas Ktenas - Bass
Dennis Panagiotidis - Drums, Percussion, Synths, Loops

Weitere Termine

Auf der Karte

KuBa Jena
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416
Webseite: www.kuba-jena.de/veranstaltung/godsleep


Cosmic Dawn e. V.
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416
Webseite: www.kuba-jena.de

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